Our Program

I’m interested in joining your program! Where do I start?

Thank you for your interest! If you are an incoming freshman, please fill out this questionnaire so our Recruitment Chair can reach out to you and answer any questions you may have. If you are a current UVM student, we have a separate questionnaire for you that will put you directly in contact with our head coach, Francis Stripp. We also table at club fairs and freshman events where you can sign up in person and chat with some of our friendly rowers!

Who are the coaches?

Read all about our coaches here!

What does the student board of officers do?

The student board of officers are a team-elected bunch that all individually manage a different area of our team. Elections for these roles are held during the spring season every year. Read about the current board members and their positions on our team Board page!

Do the men’s and women’s teams practice and compete separately?

Both our men’s and women’s teams, though not in the same boats, practice together under the same head coach. The two teams may be separated some days in the winter season in the interest of time and erg room space. 

What size boats does the team typically practice and compete in?

Typically, the boats we practice and compete in are 8s, 4s, and sometimes small boats. 

How do you practice in the winter?

Our team moves indoors at the beginning of November and remains on land into early March. Our practices in the winter are a fun variety, between erg workouts, runs, stadiums, yoga, basketball, indoor biking, and track workouts.

How big is the team?

Our team has around 60 varsity members.

What fun team events can I look forward to?

Team bonding is very important to our program. Throughout the year, you can expect fun team practices run by our presidents, pasta dinners, fundraising events, Rent-A-Rower days, team hikes, ultimate frisbee tournaments, and more! 

What is Rent-A-Rower?

Rent-A-Rower is one of the many ways our team gets funding, and is our way of connecting to friends and alumni in the Burlington area. Clients seeking help with yardwork, moving, leaf-raking, or gardening will reach out to our Rent-A-Rower coordinator, and then a small group of rowers will get assigned a day and location. For more information, check out our RAR page!