Locations and Travel

Where does the team practice?

Our boathouse is located 20 minutes up i-89 at the Lamoille River in Milton, VT. The address is 384 West Milton Road, Milton, VT.

Where does the team race?

Vermont Rowing primarily competes regionally against other colleges in the Northeast. However, we also compete at larger regattas such as New England Rowing Championships in Worcester MA, Dad Vails in Philadelphia PA, Head of the Charles in Boston, MA, and ACRA Nationals in Gainesville GA. 

How does the team get to practice?

For afternoon novice practices, a school bus will be outside the gym for a 5:00PM departure. For morning practices, on campus folks meet in front of the gym at 5:25AM for a van departure at 5:30AM. Off campus students will carpool in their own vehicles. Learn more about getting van certified by contacting our Transportation coordinator Megan Boswell.

What is the spring break training trip?

Every spring break, our team takes a trip down south to get a good, hard week of rowing in. Previous spring break locations have been Lake Lure NC, Lake Lanier GA, and Smith Mountain Lake VA.

Where does the team practice in the winter?

Our team erg space is located in the theater at Mann Hall on Trinity Campus. We also use on-campus facilities such as the Gucciardi Fitness Center and indoor track where we do land workouts on our own time.

See our team facilities page for more information!